Two Ways to Live (1 Samuel 15:24-35)

Samuel had delivered God’s verdict to Saul: “To obey is better than sacrifice. . . . Because you have rejected the word of Yahweh, he has also rejected you from being king” (vv. 22-23). Our passage picks up at the climax of this story. The question is, how will Saul respond? In this sermon, pastor […]

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From Ichabod to Ebenzer (1 Samuel 7:2-17)

In chapter 4, at the battle of Aphek and Ebenezer, Israel was twice defeated (by Yahweh) before the Philistines. As a result, the ark of the covenant was captured; the Glory departed from Israel. This is why the priest Eli’s daughter-in-law named her son Ichabod, “no glory.” And while Yahweh had gone into exile on […]

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Our Father in Heaven (Isaiah 63:15–64:12)

After the glorious visions of chapters 60–62 and the vision of God’s day of vengeance in 63:1–6, Isaiah offers a prayer of lament on behalf of Israel and their future exile. Isaiah calls attention to their crisis of separation from their covenant God and Father, and he prays for mercy. In this sermon, pastor Joel […]

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Bringing Sin Into the Light (Isaiah 59:1-13)

Since we started the final section of Isaiah (56-66) we have seen Israel’s failure and inability to produce the righteousness which God requires. After highlighting Israel’s irresponsible and corrupt leaders; their idolatry, and their hypocrisy. we now have a summary of Israel’s sinful condition seen in their social injustice. The fact that God confronts Israel […]

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Religion That Pleases the Lord (Isaiah 58)

In Isaiah 57 we learned that God delights to draw near to the contrite and lowly, to those who recognize their great need, who mourn over their sinfulness. But in chapter 58 we find that there is a way to look humble and repentant on the outside yet remain unrepentant on the inside. In other […]

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The Gospel Unchained (Acts 28:16-31)

Luke concludes the book of Acts with Paul a prisoner in Rome, yet still “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:31). Though he was held captive by Rome, and many of his hearers were held captive by unbelief, he knew that God’s […]

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The Reason for the Hope, part 2 (Acts 25-26)

In Acts 25-26, the story of Paul as witness on trial for the gospel comes to an epic conclusion before he reaches Rome. Everything has been building up to this moment where, in the providence of God, he gives the reason for his hope before the rulers of all Judea. Paul bears witness that King […]

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With the ascension of Jesus and outpouring of his Spirit upon the church, we find ourselves living between the 1st and 2nd comings of Christ. At his first coming, Jesus won the decisive battle of the war against the kingdom of darkness. Now, God’s kingdom is advancing throughout the world, bringing forgiveness and joy to […]

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While it is clear that we are living in an increasingly secular age, it is actually quite religious. More and more people desire a spiritual identity that gives them purpose and meaning in this life, and seek to fill the void left by religion with a host of idols such as entertainment, self-expression, romance, wellness, […]

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