Our God is a God of both sovereign and surprising mercy. While it’s true that he is unchanging, reliable, and faithful to perform his word, he nevertheless tends to surprise us, especially in his displays of mercy and salvation. And one of the clearest examples of this is seen in the formation of true Israel […]

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Paul has been explaining in Romans 9 how God’s purpose in election guarantees the fulfillment of all his promises. But he knows that this teaching will raise some very serious objections. Insisting that salvation is solely based on God’s initiative, his decision, his purpose, his choice will cause many to ask: “How is that fair?” […]

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God Is at Work, Press On (Romans 8:28-30)!

Our emotions and experiences would have us believe the lie that there is nothing good in the fiery furnace of trial. Present suffering can convince us that our lives are nothing more than broken pieces of glass, wasted and worthless. But behind the scenes, regardless of what we feel, God is putting all these pieces […]

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When we face the inevitable suffering that the righteous will face (Ps. 34:19), when sorrows like sea billows roll, when it seems like all we know is the frowning and bitter providence of God, how should we respond?  In this sermon, pastor Mitch looks at the responses of Naomi and Ruth to the devastating crisis […]

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As the book of Ruth begins we are immediately confronted with famine, death, and loss. In light of this suffering, the question that naturally arises is, “Where is God?” In this sermon, pastor Joel considers the introduction to Ruth and reminds us that God is sovereign over it all, and working all things for the […]

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One of the questions that comes to mind when reading the final section of Acts is: “Why does Luke take so much time to get Paul to Rome?” Yet while we may not know every reason why certain passages are included in Scripture, we can know many of them. Knowing that the Bible is all […]

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Problems and Providence (Acts 15:36-16:10)

Whether in the church, in ministry, or in everyday life, we seem to always encounter problem after problem. We’re often left wondering what God could possibly be doing in all our difficulties and trials. The early church wasn’t without its share of problems either, yet Luke recorded them under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit […]

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What is grace? Simply put, grace is unmerited favor, and the grace of God is his love for the undeserving. And Scripture is clear that all things—from our election in Christ before the world began to our enjoyment of eternal life—is all to the praise God’s glorious grace. In Acts 13:48-51, Paul concluded his message […]

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