Not to Us, But to Your Name (Ps. 115:1-8)

Though surrounded by the enemies of our God, nations hostile to his sovereign rule, and spiritual forces of evil within and without, we nevertheless rest in God’s infinite wisdom, perfect justice, unchanging character: “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases” (Ps. 115:3). We trust that his purposes will be accomplished and that his kingdom […]

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Enthroned in Worlds Above (Ps. 110)

Of all the psalms in the Old Testament, it is Psalm 110 that is the most often quoted and alluded to by the authors of the New Testament. This enthronement psalm is centered on and fulfilled by Christ, who, having taken on the form of a servant and humbling himself to death on a cross, was […]

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The Champion of the Church (Ps. 91:9-16)

For those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus, whose lives are now hidden with Christ in God, God is our shelter, our refuge, our fortress. He is our Champion. He fights for us, defends us, and delivers us. Not only is he overruling all things for our good and commanding the hosts of […]

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Behold Your God (Ps. 46:8-11)

As Christians, how are we to handle fear, anxiety, and doubt? In a world where evil often appears to triumph, where pain and loss are common realities, how are we to deal with feelings of worry and uncertainty, our fear of death and suffering? The Psalmist provides an answer to this question by providing us with two […]

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Paul’s opening prayer for the Ephesian church – that God would give them “the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,” that they might know the profound reality of their hope, their inheritance, and the power of God (Eph 1:17-19) – is grounded in the great and immeasurable might of God. We are able to rest assured […]

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To the Praise of His Glory (Eph. 1:3-14)

As we read through Ephesians 1:3-14, seeing and savoring all of the wonderful spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus, we are presented with a stunning description of the Triune nature of God and the specific work of each Person in the Godhead. Moreover, this passage also encompasses all history, all people, and all things from eternity past to eternity […]

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Paul’s doxological outburst at the beginning of his epistle to the Ephesians is arguably one of the most rich, profound, wonderful, and breathaking passages in all of Scripture. Here in these twelve verses we find a comprehensive theology of the Triune God and a stunning description of His work in the redemption of fallen humanity. These verses reveal to us the eternal love and […]

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Called by God’s Grace (Gal 1:11-17)

As Paul moves into a defense of his gospel against the criticisms of his opponents, he gives a brief autobiography detailing the events surrounding his conversion. He explains that though he formerly “was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent” of Christianity, he nevertheless “received mercy” – being transformed into one of the most remarkable evangelists of all […]

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God’s Truth Abideth Still

“Where is God in all of this?” This question is often asked in the face of devastating trials, intense persecution, and horrible calamities. Even as believers we can sometimes be tempted to believe that God is distant, unconcerned, or even helpless when disaster strikes. In Acts 12 we see the early church facing such difficulties […]

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