1 Samuel 16 marks a turning point in the biggest story of the Bible. Israel had demanded to have a king like all the other nations had, and God had given them just what they asked for. Saul turned out to be just like the kings of all the nations. He had no concern for […]

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The True Israel Revealed (Romans 2:17-29)

In this sermon, pastor Matt teaches that the people of God are those who respond to his promise of salvation with the obedience of faith. His church is comprised of those united to Christ by the work of the Spirit, who boast only in his cross.

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The story of Peter and Cornelius takes up a considerable amount of space in Luke’s narrative because it was a defining moment in redemptive history. God had promised Abraham that not only would he and his offspring be blessed, but that in him, “all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3). The […]

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“And a ruler asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?'” (Luke 18:18). This rich, young man could not have asked Jesus a more important question.  However, he was unprepared to hear the answer, for when he heard it, “he became very sad” (Luke 18:23), and ” went away sorrowful” (Mark […]

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The puritan preacher, John Flavel, once remarked: “Every man loves the mercies of God, but a saint loves the God of mercies.” In times of trial, suffering, and need, anyone will gladly receive blessings from God; it doesn’t take the new birth to appreciate his mercies. In fact, anyone can perform religious duties and portray […]

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Woe to the Pharisees (Luke 11:37-54)

The Scriptures are abundantly clear that God is not merely concerned with our outward appearance, which man can see, but with the inward condition of our heart (1 Sam 15:22; 16:7; Hos. 6:6). While there are certainly good works that accompany true saving faith (Eph. 2:10), we are often tempted to substitute religious activity for […]

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A Gospel Diagnosis (Luke 10:25-42)

The parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ visit to the home of Mary and Martha are related in a couple of significant ways. First, here we find both the command to show mercy to our neighbors and do good works (Luke 10:37), but also the preliminary and gracious invitation to find rest in the […]

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Forgiveness from the Heart (Luke 6:37-45)

Continuing his teaching on how we are to treat our enemies, Jesus unfolds further what it looks like to truly love others. Those who expect others to not be judgmental, condemning, or unforgiving, yet fail to extend grace and forgiveness themselves are hypocrites. Only those who have come to know the gospel of the kingdom—of the King who […]

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