Two Natures, One Glorious Person
"The Hypostatic Union" by Christian hip-hop artist, Shai Linne, is a song that helps us reflect on and marvel at the incarnation of the Son of God
"The Hypostatic Union" by Christian hip-hop artist, Shai Linne, is a song that helps us reflect on and marvel at the incarnation of the Son of God
The truth that the eternal Son of God became flesh and dwelt among us is at the very heart of the Christian faith and is the greatest mystery of the gospel.
The ‘new birth’ Jesus describes in John 3 was a concept which Nicodemus should have recognized and understood from his knowledge of the Old Testament
The problem with misconceptions and stereotypes of the word 'Baptist' is that they all fall miserably short of defining what a Baptist church is.
Catechisms are an effective way for parents to do their part in teaching their children the basic truths about God and his gospel.
The city of Jerusalem features prominently in Luke's gospel and serves as a warning against the subtle but serious sin of presumption.
The long-term benefits and blessings of keeping children in the worship service are well worth the temporary struggles that accompany such a decision.
Through the book of Acts, the Spirit-empowered church bears witness to Jesus as both the rejected-crucified Christ and the risen-exalted Lord.
Reflections on Dave Leandre's time as lead pastor, his last sermon, and the pastor's charge to preach the word and insist on the gospel.