Ordinary Christianity in a Radical, “Next Big Thing” Age
In an age where Christians are obsessed with restlessly searching for the Next Big Thing, ordinary Christianity is the new radical.
In an age where Christians are obsessed with restlessly searching for the Next Big Thing, ordinary Christianity is the new radical.
Tom Schreiner presents a compelling and biblical case for understanding words of wisdom and knowledge to be referring to the gift of teaching.
According to Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts 1:8 is given to the church primarily for the task of witnessing.
In this third and final part of our Bible study crash course, we recommend resources for a more fruitful time studying Scripture
In part 2 of our crash course in how to study the Bible, we look at the all-important steps for fruitful Bible study: Interpretation and Application
In part 1 of our crash course in how to study the Bible, we look at the foundational steps of fruitful Bible study: Preparation and Observation.
This song is a beautiful and honest picture of the Christian life, dealing with themes of darkness, waiting, and the hope of our Lord's second coming.
While Advent is a time to celebrate his birth, it is primarily a time of waiting in hopeful expectation for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thabiti Anyabwile's short and helpful book "What is a Healthy Church Member?" presents ten marks that characterize healthy and faithful church members.