In Romans 1:18-23, we saw why God’s righteous wrath is revealed against our unrighteous world. Instead of responding to the knowledge we all have of God by worshiping him as God, being who God created us to be, we have suppressed his truth and substituted his glory. Now, in vv. 24-32 we will see how God’s […]
Before explaining how the gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe, Paul shows why need the gospel by exposing the true condition of humanity: our false worship, our moral bankruptcy, our utter depravity, and our inexcusable guilt before God (Rom. 1:18-3:20). In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that God’s […]
Having introduced himself and his gospel to the church at Rome (Rom. 1:1-7) Paul shares his desire to visit them for mutual encouragement in the faith and to see all nations come to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord (8-15). To reach these goals, Paul knew that there was only one thing he needed to […]
At the center of all human history stands the risen Lord Jesus. His resurrection from the dead is, without a doubt, the single most significant event that has ever occurred in the story of our world. And both his cross and his empty tomb concern the entire world—every nation and all creation. God’s gospel, the […]
In the book of Romans, Paul is seeking to unify the church at Rome around his gospel and to enlist their support for his future mission to Spain. To do this, he has to introduce himself and his gospel, which he calls “the gospel of God.” He does all of this in the introduction of […]
When it comes to the most full, direct, comprehensive, and majestic explanation of the gospel, there is no other book in all of Scripture quite like Romans. Yet, many tend to view Romans as simply a book on doctrine, like a theology textbook. But we must understand that Romans is first a letter, written to […]
In this sermon series, we’ve looked at how we strive to fulfill the Great Commission here at ECC. This series so far has been about who we are—how we’re governed and how we live as a local church. We started with how the gospel produces a gospel order; it creates local churches. We explained that […]
In the book of Acts, we see the early church marked by a joyful devotion to doctrine, to fellowship, and to prayer. In this sermon, Pastor Matt describes the gospel culture we aim to cultivate at ECC and how we strive to be a church centered on the word of the risen Lord Jesus, transformed […]
Since 2014, our church has experienced a significant amount of change. Seven years ago, in faith, we began a revitalization effort in order to apply biblical priorities to our life and ministry. But why did we do all this? Was it just so our church looks good on paper, or so that we fit in […]