The Revelation and Glory of God (Ps. 19)

Our God is a speaking God; he is a communicating God who reveals his glory in, through, and to his creation. As noted Christian apologist Francis Schaeffer put it: “He is there and He is not silent.” The apostle Paul writes that, “his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the […]

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Satisfaction and Security in God (Ps. 16)

Despite adversity and danger from his enemies, David continually trusted in the Lord for his preservation and security. Here in Psalm 16, David begins by petitioning God for protection yet immediately begins to recount the deep joys and blessings that his God is to him! This rehearsal of who God is and has been brings […]

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God’s Holy Hill (Ps. 15)

Psalm 15 begins with one of the most pertinent yet weighty questions humanity could ever ask: “O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?” (Ps 15:1). This question suggests that there are requirements to be met before anyone is able to stand before God, to enter his presence, to enjoy fellowship with […]

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The Fool’s Salvation (Ps. 14)

Psalm 14 is rather unique in that, unlike the more familiar psalms of thanksgiving and praise, it is entirely centered on the total depravity and deplorable condition of the human race. Moreover, this psalm is repeated almost verbatim in Psalm 53 and is also quoted at length in one of the most pivotal chapters in the New Testament! […]

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Righteous in Christ (Ps. 1)

Psalm 1 is one of the most well-known and cherished in the psalter. The idea of being blessed by God, being “like a tree planted by streams of water” (Ps 1:2), and prospering in all we do is surely wonderful. However, we often misinterpret this Psalm and understand it to be a list of legalistic requirements, instructing the reader to […]

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