Obedient Slaves by Grace (Romans 6:15-19)

In the first half of Romans 6 we saw that grace unites us with Christ so that the believer is dead to sin and alive to God to walk in newness of life. By baptism into Christ, we are no longer under law but grace (v. 14). In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that […]

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Now that God’s righteousness has been revealed apart from the law and justification is through faith in Jesus Christ, Paul says that all boasting is ruled out. But the question must be asked: what do we do with the perfect and good law of God? In this sermon, pastor Keith reminds us that one is […]

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In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us how God’s righteous judgment on the last day will reveal whether or not we lived for Christ and his kingdom and willl expose what was the object of our faith, the deepest desire of our heart, our hope in life and death.

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A City Impacted by the Gospel (Acts 19:21-41)

In America today, the temptation is to think that if we can just get the right candidate elected, the right justices appointed, and prayer back in school, then we would be “one nation under God.” But how is the church to make a difference in the world for God’s glory? What do we find in […]

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United by Saving Grace, part 1 (Acts 15:1-12)

The greatest problem we face, and the most important question anyone can ask, is this: “How can we be saved?” This is the problem that every religion attempts to solve, yet it’s a question many refuse to ask because we don’t want to accept all that it implies. The early church wrestled with this issue […]

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A Question About Government (Luke 20:19-26)

When asked by the Pharisees and Herodians whether or not it was lawful for Jews to pay tribute to Caesar, Jesus replied by asking whose image was engraved upon one of their coins. They answered him: “Caesar’s.” This set the stage for one of Jesus’ most famous teachings: “Render to Caesar the things that are […]

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Gospel Fruitfulness (Titus 3:12-15)

The Bible uses the imagery of fruit and fruitfulness often, and God’s word is clear that the fruit we bear in this life either leads to death or to eternal life. Yet, in one sense, to bear fruit leading to death is ultimately to be unfruitful. In other words, there is only one kind of fruitfulness […]

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Insist on These Things (Titus 3:8-11)

Today, it is often suggested that Christians are to move past the gospel and on to the so-called “deeper things” of the Christian life. But is this really what Scripture teaches? For Paul, you should not—indeed, you cannot—move past the gospel to deeper things. For what could be deeper than the Father’s love towards us, […]

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