The God Who Waits (Isaiah 30-31)

When reading the OT prophets we can often wonder: “What does any of this have to do with me?” As we hear God’s Word to his wayward people faced with the choice to be faithful to him or to reject his Word, we are reminded of who we all are by nature, who God is […]

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A Samaritan Sorcerer and His Faith (Acts 8:9-25)

The persecuted church in Jerusalem had been scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, preaching the Word as they went. Philip the evangelist had gone to Samaria, where the city received the gospel with joy. But Luke also includes a specific incident involving a Samaritan sorcerer name Simon. This story serves to illustrate a profound truth related […]

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The Promise of Pardon (Isaiah 1:10-20)

To worship God is to give him all honor and glory for who he is and what he has done. Yet this worship must be offered rightly, since God alone defines what worship is acceptable to him. Today, however, many understand worship to be nothing more than performance based on emotion. Worship is simply the […]

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By Faith In His Name, part 2 (Acts 3:22-26)

Who are the people of God today? Who can say, “The Lord is our God and we are his people”? Scripture declares that, after the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden, God graciously chose a people for himself out of all the nations of the world to be his treasured possession, obeying his […]

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By Faith In His Name, part 1 (Acts 3:11-21)

In Acts, the power to heal was given by the risen Lord Jesus to his apostles to lay the foundation of the church (Acts 2:43; Eph. 2:20). These miracles were redemptive signs that accompanied the preaching of the gospel and validated their message. And like all signs, they pointed to something else; they pointed to […]

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Under the Old Covenant, when the Law was given to the people of God on tablets of stone, three thousand fell by the sword (Ex 32:25-29). But under the New Covenant, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on God’s people to write the Law on their new-creation hearts, three thousand were saved, baptized, and […]

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After the triumphal entry, our Lord’s  first order of business was not with the Roman occupation but with the Jews and their temple. Rather than fulfilling its role as a “house of prayer for all nations” (Isa. 56:6-7), the temple had become a “den of robbers” (Jer. 7:9-11)—a sanctuary for the wicked and hypocritical, the […]

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To Seek and Save the Lost (Luke 19:1-10)

After Jesus’ encounter with the Rich Young Ruler—a man who couldn’t bear to consider the cost of discipleship—he made a profound exclamation: “How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” This prompted his disciples to ask who then could be saved, to which Jesus responded: “What is impossible with […]

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Unless You Repent (Luke 16:16-31)

In Luke 16, Jesus addresses material wealth and kingdom priorities, subtly illustrating for us the true heart condition of the unrepentant. After telling the parable of the dishonest manager, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees—”who were lovers of money” (Luke 16:14)—in order to tell them another parable. While this story, the parable of the rich man […]

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