The Sinner’s Only Plea (Luke 18:9-17)

The Lord Jesus Christ is returning one day in glory to judge the world, destroy his enemies, and establish his kingdom in righteousness. But when the Son of Man comes, who will be found righteous so as to dwell in his kingdom (Luke 18:8)? This is the dilemma of fall humanity. Though many put their […]

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As Christians, we often (and rightly so) focus our attention on the cross of Christ and his atoning death on our behalf. In fact, the cross has even become a symbol for Christianity worldwide. But the gospel is not simply that Jesus died for our sins and was buried, but also “that he was raised […]

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God’s Love for the Lost (Luke 15:1-10)

At the end of chapter 14, Luke records Jesus proclaiming: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 14:35). Then, as chapter 15 begins, we read that “tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him,” but “the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled” (Luke 15:1-2). This is the context for the […]

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God Will Provide the Lamb

At Christmastime, we love to sing traditional carols and hymns, proclaiming that “all is calm, all is bright ’round yon virgin mother and child—holy infant so tender and mild.” With such a peaceful description of Jesus’ birth, it’s easy to forget the bitter cup of God’s wrath which he came to drink in full. In […]

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Twelve Apostles Chosen (Luke 6:12-19)

In the Old Testament we read of how God graciously called Israel to his be his chosen people. They were to teach all the surrounding nations about their holy and loving God by their covenant faithfulness to his word (Ex. 19:4-6). However in the New Testament, Jesus appears as  the true and better Israel who came to redeem a […]

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So far in Luke’s gospel, we’ve seen that Jesus came “to proclaim good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18; 4:43). The calling of Levi, and Jesus’ association with tax collectors and sinners, here in this passage is a powerful demonstration of this mission of redemption, but the Pharisees and scribes are offended. Yet this is more […]

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Only God Can Do That (Luke 5:12-26)

In this passage, we not only see Jesus compassionately healing a leper and a paralytic, but claiming and proving himself to be the forgiver of sins. Though lepers were alienated from the life of the community, as a result of their uncleanness, Jesus willingly stretches out his hand to touch him. Why? To beautifully illustrate that God’s grace is greater than […]

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Repent and Return (Luke 3:1-20)

After over 400 years of silence, the word of the God came to Zechariah and Elizabeth’s son, John – the last and greatest of the Old Testament prophets.  We read that “he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Luke 3:3). But John wasn’t […]

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A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given (Isa. 8:21-9:7)

Addressing the people of Israel, the prophet Isaiah rightly foretold of God’s impending judgment coming against the nation. They were to be destroyed, ripped out of their homeland, and forced into exile, “thrust into thick darkness” (Isa. 8:22). Yet this darkness ultimately was not referring to their physical exile but their spiritual exile, their separation from God […]

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