Having just taught that Christians are members of Christ’s body, and encouraging the church to use their grace-gifts in humble service, Paul shows them “a still more excellent way” (1 Cor. 12:31). In this sermon, Pastor Matt shows how love is the indispensable mark of the new humanity created in Christ Jesus. For the love […]

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With this sermon we begin the final section of Paul’s letter to the church at Rome. In chapters 1-4 we saw how the gospel of Jesus reveals the righteousness of God in the justification of sinners. In chapters 5-8 Paul showed how the gospel provides the hope of salvation for all those united to Christ. […]

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Having surveyed God’s plan of salvation in history—from his purpose of election to the fulfillment of his promises—Paul’s argument in Romans 9-11 gives way to adoration. His extended look at the attributes, works, and purpose of God (theology) causes him to erupt in praise to God (doxology). In this sermon, pastor Matt preaches that worship […]

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Paul’s point in Romans 11 is that God is not done with Israel. If they do not continue in their unbelief, they will certainly be grafted back into their own olive tree, “for God has the power to graft them in again” (Rom. 11:23). But Paul is convinced not only that they can be grafted […]

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In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that God’s people are marked by faith that continues in humble reliance on his kindness. Whether Jew or Gentile, true Israel doesn’t presume on the grace of God but clings to Christ and bears much fruit. This is what it means to belong to God’s beautiful olive tree, […]

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Having considered Israel’s past and God’s sovereign purpose in Romans 9, and then Israel’s present situation and God’s continued patience in chapter 10, one crucial question remains: Is God done with Israel? Has he rejected his people for good? This is what Paul begins to address in chapter 11 as he focuses on Israel’s future […]

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Faith Comes By Hearing (Romans 10:14-17)

The Scriptures say that “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom. 10:13; Joel 2:32). But what must happen for sinners to actually do this? Since salvation is ultimately based on the sovereign mercy of God, what part do we play in bringing about the obedience of faith among all […]

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Amidst all the religions and belief systems of the world, only one is about what God himself has done for our salvation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not good advice to follow but good news to believe. For while the world says “do,” Jesus Christ says “done”; while the world says “strive”, the risen […]

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