In Isaiah 55 we are invited to know the comfort of God promised since Isaiah 40. It’s an invitation to enter the kingdom of his faithful servant and beloved Son, Jesus. It’s a summons to acknowledge his rightful rule, to come to him and live! And the call to the thirsty to “come to the […]

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Come to Jesus and Live, part 1 (Isaiah 55:1-5)

Isaiah 55 is the last chapter of this section of Isaiah that has been focused on the servant of the Lord (Isa. 49-55). We’ve seen how, through the sacrifice and exaltation of Jesus, God in Christ has made the way for sinners to be brought under the reign of his grace. Now, having just described […]

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Tune My Heart to Sing Thy Grace (Isaiah 54)

Isaiah 53 explained how God would one day redeem his people, establish his throne in Zion, and reign as King over the nations. This plan of salvation would be accomplished through the sacrifice and exaltation of his servant, our substitute, the Lord Jesus Christ. What follows now in chapter 54 are three stunning images that […]

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In many ways, every thread used in the tapestry of the OT is woven together in Isaiah 53: the promises of Genesis, the redemption of Exodus, the sacrifices of Leviticus, the wanderings of Numbers, the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy, the victories of Joshua, the deliverances of Judges, the dynasties of Samuel and Kings; the […]

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All along, Isaiah has told us that the Lord alone will be exalted. And his blessing would come to all nations through the witness of his redeemed people under the saving rule of his Messiah. We’ve heard of the child of Isaiah 9 who would sit on David’s throne forever and establish God’s kingdom of […]

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Isaiah 40 Revisited

For this Lord’s Day gathering, we spent time lamenting the sudden and tragic death of one of the precious children in our congregation, Orlando Vargas Jr., who died the day before his sixth birthday. We took time to weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15) because “if one member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Corinthians […]

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Listen While You Wait (Isaiah 51:1-8)

In chapter 51, God gives a word of comfort to the faithful remnant then and the true Israel today. The servant once more calls his people, his church, to listen. It is the Lord Jesus who is speaking here to sustain the weary (50:4). It is his voice which the righteous obey (50:10). And along […]

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Last week, we began the next section of Isaiah 40-66. In chs. 49-55, the focus is on the servant of the Lord, who would be for Israel and for the world what Israel failed to be. He would be the one chosen by Yahweh to bring faithless Israel back to their God, ending the separation […]

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