Having explained his reasons for gospel ministry and laid out his plans for future travel, Paul now sends his greetings to the chuch as he prepares to visit them and work with them to take the gospel to Spain. But this long list of greetings doesn’t make for the most exciting reading, and can make […]
While Paul’s travel plans might be easy to understand on the surface, there’s much we can learn about his love for the church. His travel plans reveal what Paul desired to see in the churches: the blessing of refreshment, fellowship, and prayer. In this passage, pastor Matt explains that the church is where the blessing […]
Paul beings the conclusion to his letter to the Romans much like he began, providing the church with further details about himself and his calling, his ministry and his plans for future mission, as well as his needs and many personal greetings. We learn why Paul preached Christ (his authority); how Paul preached Christ (his […]
When it comes to those matters on which believers can legitimately disagree, Romans 14 reminds us that true Christian liberty means the freedom to lay our freedoms aside in loving service to our Lord and his church. In this sermon, pastor Matt continues to teach how Christians are to enjoy their gospel freedoms in a […]
In chapter 14, Paul is addressing issues that were causing divisions in the church at Rome and how to handle matters of conscience—those matters about which Christians can legitimately differ. He began by calling out the sinful attitudes of both the strong and weak in vv. 1-12. Gentiles who were convinced they could eat all […]
As we began to look at Romans 14 we saw that there were certain opinions dividing the church at Rome along ethnic lines. Both Jewish and Gentile believers were quarrelling over disputable matters, such as food and observing special days. The strong-in-faith were tempted to look down on the weak for their apparent “legalism;” and […]
In Romans 14-15, Paul addresses the non-essential issues that were causing strife in the church at Rome. And the principles laid out here continue to teach us how to handle matters of conscience while preserving gospel fellowship. In this sermon, pastor Matt begins to show us that Christians are to love and accept all those […]
In Romans 12, we saw how disciples of Jesus are recognized by a non-retaliating love for their enemies that seeks peace with all and leaves vengeance with God. But this raised an important issue: What about evil? What about justice? All of this leads Paul to consider the Christian’s relationship to the state and discuss […]
After all that Paul has said about the Christian’s relationship to the church, we come to what is arguably the most radical command in all Scripture. We saw it briefly in verse 14, but in verses 17-21 Paul now focuses on our relationship to the world, and the Christian’s display of non-retaliating love. In this […]