The Vineyard of the Lord (Isaiah 5:1-30)

Isaiah begins chapter 5 singing a love song for his Beloved concerning his vineyard. Isaiah’s Beloved is the Lord his God; the vineyard is Israel (Isa. 5:7). But despite God’s loving care and faithful protection, his vineyard did not produce good fruit. Instead, they produced bitter grapes due to the corruption of their sinful hearts. […]

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Only One Will Be Exalted (Isaiah 2:6-4:1)

Ever since the Fall and the entrance of sin into the world, pride has characterized the heart of man. We refuse to submit to God’s rule and continue to believe the lie that we must exalt ourselves to find true joy and fulfillment in life. The prophets were sent to expose the various sins produced […]

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The City of Our God (Isaiah 2:1-5)

Though the name ‘Zion’ is often used in Scripture to refer to the capital city of Jerusalem and the mount where the temple was located, it becomes a rich symbol for the dwelling place of God and his holy people from every nation. Ultimately, it refers to the new Jerusalem—God’s glorious temple-city that will fill […]

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Redeemed by Justice (Isaiah 1:21-31)

One of the central issues addressed by Isaiah and the rest of the prophets is that of justice—faithfully living according to the standard of what is right in our relationships with others. It’s only as we do justice, as we live righteously, that we will flourish as a society under God’s loving rule. But when […]

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The Promise of Pardon (Isaiah 1:10-20)

To worship God is to give him all honor and glory for who he is and what he has done. Yet this worship must be offered rightly, since God alone defines what worship is acceptable to him. Today, however, many understand worship to be nothing more than performance based on emotion. Worship is simply the […]

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The One Who Conquers (Acts 7:54-8:4)

The true people of God have always been persecuted by those who oppose God. But, as the Bible tells us, “Everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4). As we consider the death of Stephen, the first martyr of […]

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Jesus said that if the world hated him, then it would hate those who follow him (John 15:18-21). It wasn’t long before the early church found this to be true. In Acts 7, we find Stephen’s response to the false accusations brought against him—that he had spoken against Moses and the temple. Yet, instead of […]

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Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said: “The most urgent need in the Christian Church today is true preaching; and as it is the greatest and most urgent need in the Church, it is obviously the greatest need of the world also.” Why? Because only in the word of God do we discover man’s real need and God’s […]

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Speak Life, Preach Christ (Acts 5:12-21a)

The world tells us that the good life is to be found in financial security, physical fitness, beauty, sex, loving relationships (however we define them), and other comforts. To be sure, these things can bring us happiness. Yet many of us know that such happiness is fleeting. True satisfaction is always one job, drink, or […]

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