We’ve been working through the second half of the book of Isaiah, where we find God’s word of comfort to his people who would one day be exiled in Babylon. In chapter 45 we saw God name Cyrus, King of Persia, as the one who would set them free and even help them rebuild Jerusalem […]
After the promises made in Isaiah 44:1-5, the Lord Yahweh speaks once more to remind Israel of his uniqueness, that he is the one and only God, and to reassure them there is no one else who can be their sure foundation. Rather than be like the nations, who seek deliverance from idols, God’s people […]
The Lord had declared a message of comfort for his faithless servant, Israel: He would end their exile and bring them home. But Israel would need a greater liberation than this. For God’s glory to fill the earth through the genuine worship and faithful witness of his people, they would need not just a fresh […]
It has always been God’s intention to bring his blessing to the world, to fill the earth with his glory, through his people. This was why God chose Israel to be his servant. However, as we saw last week, Israel too failed to do this. But Isaiah aims to remind us of what God intended […]
In Isaiah 42, we’ve heard how the servant of the Lord would bring justice and light to the nations so that God’s praise might fill the earth. But this wasn’t currently happening. And not only were all nations not singing praise to God, even his people Israel had failed to do this. So now, Isaiah […]
Isaiah 40 brings us good news of God’s comfort by showing us a stunning vision of God’s glory. And Isaiah concludes by bringing these truths to bear on God’s forgetful and doubtful people in order to give us hope. In this sermon, pastor Matt explains that the God of all comfort and unrivaled glory is […]
In Isaiah 40 the prophet has been speaking of God’s promised comfort in vv. 1-11. God was not done with his people and he would not leave them in exile. He would forgive them, restore them, and even commission them to proclaim his good news of salvation! And to assure us of his power to […]
So far, in Isaiah 40, we’ve been hearing the word of comfort God speaks to his defeated, faithless, and soon-to-be exiled people. In vv. 1-2, we found that God’s comfort was promised. In vv. 3-5, we learned that his comfort was coming, and in vv. 6-8 that it was guaranteed. Now, in vv. 9-11, we’ll […]
Though God’s people had failed to keep the covenant and would one day find themselves living as exiles in Babylon, God had not forgotten his promises. He remained faithful to the covenant, and in his wrath remembered mercy. Isaiah 40 is the word of comfort that God speaks to his defeated, and faithless people. And […]