The God of Unrivaled Glory (Isaiah 40:12-26)

In Isaiah 40 the prophet has been speaking of God’s promised comfort in vv. 1-11. God was not done with his people and he would not leave them in exile. He would forgive them, restore them, and even commission them to proclaim his good news of salvation! And to assure us of his power to […]

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The God of All Comfort, part 3 (Isaiah 40:9-11)

So far, in Isaiah 40, we’ve been hearing the word of comfort God speaks to his defeated, faithless, and soon-to-be exiled people. In vv. 1-2, we found that God’s comfort was promised. In vv. 3-5, we learned that his comfort was coming, and in vv. 6-8 that it was guaranteed. Now, in vv. 9-11, we’ll […]

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The God of all Comfort, part 2 (Isaiah 40:3-8)

Though God’s people had failed to keep the covenant and would one day find themselves living as exiles in Babylon, God had not forgotten his promises. He remained faithful to the covenant, and in his wrath remembered mercy. Isaiah 40 is the word of comfort that God speaks to his defeated, and faithless people. And […]

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The God of all Comfort, part 1 (Isaiah 40:1-2)

In this sermon, as we begin the second half of Isaiah (chs. 40-66), pastor Matt shows us that the comfort from God that we need is found under the saving rule of Christ. For only King Jesus has entered into the despair of our world, dealt with the problem of our sin, and made possible […]

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The Song of Creation (Psalm 98)

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible links together the joy of experiencing salvation with the response of singing songs of praise. And Psalm 98—famously known as the inspiration for the Christmas hymn, “Joy to the World”—illustrates this beautifully. Here we find a song of joy and victory for all of God’s people and even all […]

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The Song of Zechariah, part 2 (Luke 1:76-79)

As Zechariah’s Benedictus begins, he blesses God for who he is and what he has done. Instead of focusing on the miraculous birth of his own son, which pointed to the Messiah’s advent, he rejoices instead that the Lord has visited and redeemed his people. Now, in the second half of this song, Zechariah mentions […]

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The Song of Zechariah, part 1 (Luke 1:68-75)

While Mary sang her “Magnificat,” Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, sings his “Benedictus.” The birth of John causes Zechariah to bless God for the birth of Jesus. Why? Because John’s birth was a sign of the Messiah’s advent. In other words, even in his birth, John was pointing to the Lamb of God. […]

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The Letter to the Romans Recited

To conclude our sermon series, Pastor Matt recites the Paul’s letter to the Romans in its entirety. There are several reasons why we concluded our series this way: This enables our congregation to hear Paul’s whole argument in one sitting just like his original audience did in Rome almost 2000 years ago. While it’s true […]

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All Glory to God for the Gospel (Romans 16:25-27)

After all Paul has said to the saints in Rome about the good news of God’s Son he can’t help but erupt once more in joyful praise to God. He concludes with a doxology, ascribing to the Lord the glory that is due his name, reminding the Roman church once more to behold their God. […]

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